4th plt unmarked mat

Visitors 0
1 photos
4th plt unmarked mat

Half Plate- J Gurney Daguerreotype couple, man standing

Visitors 0
1 photos
Half Plate- J Gurney Daguerreotype couple, man standing

Gurney & Son Stereoscopes at 707 Broadway 1858-1869

Visitors 34
149 photos
Gurney & Son Stereoscopes at 707 Broadway  1858-1869

6th Plate J Gurney Daguerreotype chair

Visitors 0
12 photos
6th Plate J Gurney Daguerreotype chair

4th Plate Gurney Daguerreotype Girl Standing on Chair

Visitors 0
1 photos
4th Plate Gurney Daguerreotype Girl Standing on Chair

J Gurney Half Plate Tired Woman 1848

Visitors 1
5 photos
J Gurney Half Plate Tired Woman 1848

1846 Transactions of the American Institute

Visitors 7
6 photos
Created 25-Nov-24
Modified 25-Nov-24
1846 Transactions of the American Institute

Gurney Advertisement Bill 349 Broadway

Visitors 0
6 photos
Gurney Advertisement Bill 349 Broadway

Half Plate daguerreotype by J Gurney, winter coats

Visitors 0
7 photos
Half Plate daguerreotype by J Gurney, winter coats

MFAH, American Art Tour

Visitors 9
45 photos
MFAH, American Art Tour