Thank You For Visiting Alphonse Gallery - the largest privately assembled collection of photographic works and ephemera by Jeremiah and Benjamin Gurney. Jeremiah Gurney opened one of the very first photographic studios in the world in 1840, and he had the "oldest and most extensive studio established in New York City". This collection dates from 1840 through 1888. Please contact me if you have an inquiry or have a Gurney image you would like to sell. CLICK THUMBNAILS TO OPEN CATEGORIES
Warranted To Give Satisfaction - Daguerreotypes by Jeremiah Gurney at the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian
Visitors 65
85 items
Jeremiah Gurney Daguerreotypes
Galleries 194
2548 photos
Jeremiah Gurney Ambrotypes
Galleries 5
50 photos
Gurney Cartes de Visites
Galleries 15
2326 photos
Gurney Cabinet Cards
Galleries 5
304 photos
Gurney Stereoviews
Galleries 9
1164 photos
J Gurney Salt Prints
Galleries 9
116 photos
J Gurney & Son Albumen Portraits
Galleries 19
225 photos
J Gurney "American Ivorytypes"
Galleries 7
175 photos
Gurney Watercolor Miniatures
Galleries 6
48 photos
Gurney "Hallotypes"
Galleries 6
70 photos
Jeremiah Gurney Oil on Hard Board
Galleries 4
126 photos
Jeremiah Gurney Pastel Colored Salt Print Photograph